Buffalo 4 y/o boy Bryan Allen found living alone with his dead mom Shaleena Hamilton | Examiner.com
A Buffalo, New York Rent-A-Center employee is the hero of the day. Taijuan Littleton said he had an appointment to meet a lady customer. When he went to her house, he discovered a nasty surprise: Shaleena Hamilton was deceased. Did Littleton freak out and run back to Rent-A-Center (as many would)? Well, that would have been a logical kneejerk reaction, but he didn't. Did Taijuan Littleton call the police? Yes, eventually but not after dealing with another small problem. Besides Hamilton's cadaver, Littleton also found her son Bryan Allen, 4, living alone with the body of his dead mom, Shaleena Hamilton. The Associated Press reported Dec. 15 on the startling discovery! Buffalo 4 y/o Bryan Allen found living alone with dead mom Shaleena Hamilton | Examiner.com